Whatever it Takes
Nine days away from the Philadelphia Marathon. Nine stinking days.
I got a call from my doctor telling me I can't run due to a recent MRI, and that I can cause much more injury bearing down on an additional 26.2 miles. First thing that comes to mind is my Dad always telling me that my grandfather instilled in him to do "whatever it takes". Yes, my first impression was, "I'm still doing it. My foot is not hurting that bad, and I'm sure it can weather the storm. Let's do whatever it takes."
Then I got to thinking. What if "whatever it takes" is finding the patience to hang tight and rest my weary bones. Patience, a challenge that may impede most of our daily routines.
Ask any runner. Running the 26.2 miles is much easier than to have it be taken away nine days before the big day. Running is an addiction, and to remove it is like removing your morning coffee.
Tonight, I will rest my weary head knowing that my grandfather is looking down on me that I made the right choice. I'll put away my disappointment about not being able to participate in the marathon, and reach for every ounce of thankfulness in regards to the journey it took to get here. I'll be back to do whatever it takes in my next race.
PS...For those that aren't sure how this is relative to Silverbox and my design and photography, rest-assured running is where I find my inspiration and ideas for my business. I was once taught to keep your blog and business posts on topic, as that's why people follow you. Such a silly little rule. Running is so much a part of me, and I wouldn't be who I am today without it. Thanks for letting me bend your ear.
Thanks for reading my blog every single day Dad.